CELL STRUCTURE: ALSAY Air conditioner power stations bodies are produced from special aluminium profile and from 40 aluminium profile corner in 15.000 m3h capacity. 50 aluminium profile and aluminium corner are produced as greater than 15.000 m3h capacity air conditioner power station. Covers and external sheets are PVS, inner sheets is GALVANIZE or optionally 304 CHROME and composed of polyurethane insulation between two sheets or optionally rock wool insulated double-walled panels, the cells are produced as completely demountable structure connected each other with bolts and nuts. Acoustic and thermal insulation are used to prevent the heat transfer and condensation between aluminium profile, cover, corner and connection details and internal environment. Specially produced sealing gaskets are used for panels and carcass joints and the gaskets are detected without drilling panels. ALSAY Air Conditioner Power Stations are produced as modular structure; the inner pressure of power station is reduced minimum and compatible for high pressure applications.
FAN CELL: Double inlet, radial centrifugal type, forward curved, close winged or backward curved, statıcally or dynamically balanced fans are used for ALSAY Air Conditioner Power Stations. Electric motor and fan are together mounted on slide with rubber isolators or metal isolators preventing the transmission of the sound and vibration to cell. The cell doors are designed with optional clips, hinged open-close arms, with safety key to stop fan when opened. Electric motors are produced with IP 54 protection class, F insulation class, and optionally single speed or double speed and frequency conveyor.
MİXTURE CELL: Air Conditioner Power Stations, the dampers located as to homogeneously mix fresh air and exhaust air are manufactured from aerodynamic aluminium profile in opposite wing structure and from galvanized metal sheet case; the wings are made of specially covered aluminium profile, and damper gear material are made of plastic material and placed at interior section. The damper can be controlled manually or through the servo motor.
FILTER CELL: In ALSAY Air Conditioner Power Stations, G3 or G4 type synthetic fibber is placed into filter cell in a “ V” or zigzag layout as standard, optionally F5, F7, F9, bag filters, heap filters, carbon filters or metal filters are used. The filter frames as produced from galvanized metal sheet covered with two-side galvanized stitch square wire. The cells are produced with slides to demount easily. The filter cells are sealed, designed according to optimum air velocity, intervention covers are available and optionally equipped with different pressure process states.
HEATING AND COOLING CELL: In ALSAY Air Conditioner Power Stations, heating and cooling coils copper pipe with high heat transfer coefficient and aluminium finned, and tick copper pipe or steam battery with seamless steel with drawing – winding coil are used for steamed heating applications. If requested, electric heater can be used. The separators are produced from a material obtained by extrusion method from special composite plastic. Single curved, galvanized hygienic, stainless condensations pan is located in the cell as a standard. The energy of return air might be benefitted for the applications requiring a high rate of fresh air to reduce the operating costs. Up to 70% energy efficiency may be obtained due to cross-flow, plated heat recovery exchanger according to weather conditions in In ALSAY Air Conditioner Power Stations. Optionally, the twin-coil pumped hydraulic system and rotor type heat recovery exchanger can also be used.
MOISTENING CELL: The moistener types in ALSAY Air Conditioner Power Stations can be listed as in the following way: Adiabatic evaporator type: Centrifugal disc rotating in high speed atomizes the water and transmits it into fogged air, automatically discharge, no bacteria that can rapidly proliferate in the water are available and maximum hygiene is obtained. By the sake of simple and economic running principle used in these moisteners that can be runned all kinds of water, even demineralized water. Maximum efficiency can be retrieved with minimum energy consumption. Electronic steamed type moistener: Steam roller immersion electrodes, steel distributer and electronic control module are standard. Adiabatic steamed type moistener: Steam roller, immersion electrodes, stainless steel distributer and electronic control module are standard. Fountain and PVC distribution pipes, floater, pump suction filter, PVC drip holder and air router are all available.
MUFFLER CELL: In ALSAY Air Conditioner Power Stations. The sound absorbing plaques in muffer cell having the features of the other cells are specially designed according to air flow, fan type and the frequency of the air to be absorbed. The outer frame is made of galvanized metal sheet and the inner section is glass wool insulated as plates and surrounded with half-galvanized metal sheet and half wire cover.